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Jackson Trolley

Hours of Operation


Monday - Friday, 7AM - 5PM

First stop is 7:00 AM; Last run 4:00-5:00 PM.




Only $1.00 each time you board!


Monthly Passes..........................$20.00

Book of 20 Tickets......................$15.00

(Exact fare please. Drivers cannot make change. We do not accept debit or credit cards)

Route Deviations

The Trolley may deviate up to a 1/4 of a mile off the regular route in areas deemed safe for travel - call the office for your request - (828) 586-0233.


Route Details


The Trolley begins in Dillsboro and proceeds to Harold’s Supermarket. It then takes Savannah Drive and passes by Nicol Arms Apartments. (Please note that the Trolley no longer automatically goes through the Nicol Arms parking area. Instead, passengers from Nicol Arms who wish to ride can call in ahead of time and request to be picked up at the mail boxes near the bottom of the apartment complex.) The Trolley then passes by Jackson Village Apartments (again, tenants may call and request that we pick them up in their parking lot) as it heads to the Library. After the Library it goes through Main Street and stops in front of the old Humanity Boutique. Then it travels past the Community Building next to the Health Department, to Harris Regional Hospital (due to construction we are picking up near the West Wing), then on to Kel-Sav, and then Walmart. From there it passes by the Department of Social Services (DSS) as it goes up to The Haven Apartments, and then finally to SCC.


From SCC the Trolley returns toward Dillsboro. On the way passengers may board or disembark the Trolley when it stops in the right turning lane as it approaches Ingles parking lot. We no longer go into Ingles parking lot, unless it is to drop off or pick up a passenger there in a wheelchair. 


As the Trolley travels back along Hwy 107  to Dillsboro there are a few places where we can drop off and pick up passengers. The first location we already mentioned which is Ingles. After that, on the way back to Dillsboro we may pick up or drop off passengers near Andy Shaw Ford and Sonic by turning right at the intersection and going up the hill. We can also drop passengers off or pick them up on Cope Creek. We will turn right at the bank and come out the back onto Flaxman Cove Road. The Trolley will then travel around Hot Spot and re-enter the route via the intersection at Cope Creek. The next possible pick up/drop off location is the parking lot in front of the Bread Store just past Business 23. (Note that we do not go back up 23 to the Hospital on the Return Route.)  After that we can pick up and drop off passengers on Back Street in front of Treasures Unknown. Passengers must call in to be picked up at any of the Return Route pick up locations. See new Trolley map below.

The Jackson Trolley Schedule

Request a route deviation up to 1/4 mile by calling
828) 586-0233 
/TTY: 711 or (800)735-2962 
Town of Dillsboro               :00
Harold's Supermarket        :01
Nicol Arms Apartments*     :03
Jackson Village*                :04
Jackson County Library     :06
Town of Sylva                    :10
Sylva Community Building :20
Harris Regional Hospital    :21
Kel-Save Drug Store          :26
Wal-Mart                             :35
The Haven at the Oaks      :40
Reedwood Apartments*     :41
SCC*                                  :42



    Ingles*                                :44

    Andy Shaw Ford*               :46

    Cody's Hot Spot                 :48

    Bread Store*                      :49

    Back Street*                       :50

*Jackson Plaza / Justice Center

10:55 am & 11:55 am and
2:55 pm & 3:55 pm

*Upon request only, you must call in (828) 586-0233 


© 2020 by Jackson County Transit, 1148 Haywood Rd, Sylva, NC 28779

(828) 586-0233  TDD/TTY: 711 or (800) 735-2962 

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